
This is a node that repeats execution as long as the condition is met while changing the float type value.


Property name Type Description
Input port InputExecutePort Executed by connecting with ExecuteWire or TransitionWire
Start Value float Starting numbers
Comparison Op ComparisonOp How to compare numbers
== (Eauals)
Current value == Comparison Value
!= (Not Equals)
Current value != ComparisonValue
> (Greater Than)
Current value > Comparison Value
>= (Greater Than Or Equal)
Current value >= Comparison Value
< (Less Than)
Current value < Comparison Value
<= (Less Than Or Equal)
Current value <= Comparison Value
Comparison Value float Numeric value to compare with current value
Amount float Amount of change in current value when Body completes execution
Body OutputExecutePort Execute the destination node during the loop
Value float Outputs the current value.
Completed OutputTransitionPort The transition occurs when the numerical comparison result becomes false or the execution node from the Body reaches Break.

Accepting flow termination nodes

  • Break
    Finishes execution and transitions to Completed.
  • Continue, Exit
    Ends the run, changes the current value and starts the next run.