Type Name | Description |
AssetInfo | Asset information |
Blackboard | Blackboard to manage Variable |
BlackboardAsset | Asset containing BlackboardAsset.Blackboard. Mainly used for referencing from BlackboardDataLinkReference and sharing as a data link. |
BlackboardDataLink | Datalinks that share Blackboard between objects |
BlackboardDataLinkReference | Data link reference information for BlackboardDataLinkReference.Blackboard |
VariableOverrideAsset | Assets to override the initial value of each Variable of the root Blackboard of LogicAsset |
Variable | Variables stored in Blackboard |
VariableBase<T> | Generic basic type of variables stored in Blackboard |
Variable<T> | Generic type of variables stored in Blackboard |
VariableList<T> | List type variable stored in Blackboard |
VariableReference | Reference to VariableReference.Variable |
ConstantContainer<T> | Constant container |
GameObjectConstantContainer | Container for constants of type GameObject |
ComponentConstantContainer<T> | Container for constants of type Component |
InputFieldBase | Basic type of input field |
InputFieldBase<T> | Base type of input field of generic type |
InputQuaternion | Input field for Quaternion. Fixed values can be set in Euler angles. |
InputField<TValue, TContainer> | Input field that can have a constant ConstantContainer<T> |
InputField<T> | Generic type input field |
InputList<T> | Input field of type IList<T> |
InputGameObject | Input field of type GameObject |
InputComponent<T> | Input field of type Component |
InputSystemType | Input field of type Type |
InputFieldUtility | Input field utility class |
ComputeNodeBase | Base class for compute nodes |
ConvertNode | Node that converts data type |
DataPort | Data port |
DataPort<T> | Generic type data port |
DataPortWithType | Typeable data port |
InputDataPort<T> | Generic type input data port |
InputDataPortWithType | Typeable input data port |
OutputDataPort<T> | Generic type output data port |
OutputDataPortWithType | Typeable output data port |
EqualsEvaluator<T, TInputField> | A class that performs equality comparison of input values |
LogicController | Main classes that control logic |
ActionComponent | A component that performs a process that completes execution in an instant. |
ActivatableComponent | Components that switch between active states |
EvaluateComponent | Component to be evaluated |
EventComponent | Component that listens for events |
NodeComponent | Basic type of component for adding to nodes |
ServiceComponent | Components that perform resident processing |
AsyncOperationComponent<TAsyncOperation> | Component that waits for AsyncOperation to complete |
TaskComponent | Components that perform operations that take a long time to complete |
WaitForSeconds | Component that waits for a specified number of seconds to elapse |
TweenComponent<TTarget, TInputField, T> | A component that performs tween animation of parameters by specifying the target. |
TweenComponentBase<T> | Basic type of component that performs tweened animation of parameters |
NodeGraph | Basic type of node graph |
ActivatableNode | Node whose active state changes |
ExecuteNode | Execution node |
BreakNode | Flow end node to exit from the loop |
CompleteNode | Flow end node to complete the task |
ContinueNode | Flow end node to transition to next loop |
ExitNode | Flow end node to end node execution |
FlowExitNode | Basic type of flow end node |
Node | Basic type of node |
ServiceNode | Node that performs resident processing |
ServiceNodeBase | Basic type of node that performs resident processing |
EventInterfaceAsset | Assets that define custom events |
LogicAsset | Assets that handle LogicAsset.LogicController |
LogicBehavior | A component for internally holding and playing LogicBehavior.LogicController |
LogicPlayer | Component that references and plays LogicAsset |
LogicPlayerBase | Basic type of component that plays LogicPlayerBase.LogicController |
OutputExecutePort | Output execution port |
Port | Basic type of normal port |
PortBase | Basic type of port |
OutputTransitionPort | Output transition port |
TransitionalPort | Basic type of port that handles transitions |
ProgressPlayer | Progress player Implement and use IProgressComponent in NodeComponent. |
RefArgument<T, TInputField> | A type that handles reference arguments. Mainly used for script generation. |
Wire | Basic type of wire |
SerializableType | Structure for handling SerializableType.Type with Unity's serialization system |
UniqueId | Structure that handles unique IDs |
Timer | Measure the passage of time |
EaseBase | Basic type for easing |
Interpolator<T> | Basic type for interpolation processing |
ByteLerp | Linear interpolation of type byte |
SByteLerp | Linear interpolation of type sbyte |
CharLerp | Linear interpolation of type char |
ShortLerp | Linear interpolation of type short |
UShortLerp | Linear interpolation of type ushort |
IntLerp | Linear interpolation of type int |
UIntLerp | Linear interpolation of type uint |
LongLerp | Linear interpolation of type long |
ULongLerp | Linear interpolation of type ulong |
FloatLerp | Linear interpolation of type float |
DoubleLerp | Linear interpolation of type double |
Vector2Lerp | Linear interpolation of type Vector2 |
Vector2IntLerp | Linear interpolation of type Vector2Int |
Vector3Lerp | Linear interpolation of type Vector3 |
Vector3Slerp | Spherical linear interpolation of type Vector3 |
Vector3IntLerp | Linear interpolation of type Vector3Int |
Vector4Lerp | Linear interpolation of type Vector4 |
ColorLerp | Linear interpolation of type Color |
QuaternionLerp | Linear interpolation of type Quaternion |
QuaternionSlerp | Spherical linear interpolation of type Quaternion |
CompareUtility | Utility class for value comparisons |
TypeUtility | Type utility class |
ListAccessorUtility | ListAccessor utility class |
ValueContainer<T> | Class that handles value containers |
ValueFlowExtensions | Value flow extension class |