

Type Name Description
AdvancedMenu Advanced Menu
AdvancedMenuItem Items in AdvancedMenu
ComponentMenuCreator Class that creates items for the node component selection menu
TypeMenuCreator Create a script selection menu
ConstantPropertyDrawer A base type that extends the representation of constant fields in InputField<T>
ObjectFieldAssignor Assignment class to object type
ConstantContainerProperty Classes that references ConstantContainer<T> by SerializedProperty
ComponentConstantContainerProperty Classes that references ComponentConstantContainer<T> by SerializedProperty
InputFieldElementBase Basic type of UI element for InputField
InputFieldContainerElement InputField<TValue, TContainer> UI Elements
InputFieldBaseProperty Classes that references InputFieldBase<T> by SerializedProperty
InputFieldProperty Classes that references InputField<T> by SerializedProperty
InputFieldContainerProperty Classes that references InputField<TValue, TContainer> by SerializedProperty
InputFieldElementUtility Utility class for InputFieldElement
FieldAssignor Class for assigning values to fields when a node or node component is created
PortFieldAssignor Class for connecting ports when a node or node component is created
GraphEditor Class for editing graphs
NodeComponentEditor Editor extension for NodeComponent
NodeEditor Editor extension for Node
PortConnector Class that manages port connections
EqualsEvaluatorProperty Classes that references EqualsEvaluator<T, TInputField> by SerializedProperty
NodeContentContainer UI element that serves as a container for the node's content
PortField Port UI elements
PooledObject<T> Manage pooled objects.
SerializableTypeProperty Structure that references SerializableType by SerializedProperty
TypeMenuInfo Type menu information
BaseFieldExt<TValueType> A class that extends BaseField<TValueType>
BasePopupFieldExt<TValueType> Base class for popup field UI elements
PropertyFieldUtility PropertyField Utility Class
PropertyTracker UI elements for tracking SerializedProperty changes
SerializableTypeField UI elements for SerializableType
TypePopupField A UI element for a popup field that allows you to select from a specified type
AssetUtility Asset Utility Classes
MenuPathUtility Utility class for paths for menus


Type Name Description
IBindItem Interface received when binding item to VisualElement
IConnectPortToComponentContext The interface that connects to the port being dragged when the node component is created.
ITypeMenuContext Interface called when creating a node component from the type selection menu
IDataPortConnector Interface that defines data port connections


Type Name Description
MenuNameType Menu Name Type
PortType Port type
AssemblySources Assembly type flags
TypeFilters Type filter flags


Type Name Description
CustomTypeMenuCreator Attribute that extends the script selection menu by applying it to TypeMenuCreator.
CustomNodeComponentEditor Attributes that extend the editor of NodeComponent by applying them to NodeComponentEditor
CustomNodeEditor Attributes that extend the editor of Node by applying them to NodeEditor
CustomAttribute Basic type of attributes for editor extension