
Type Name Description
ICheckRecompute Interface to determine whether recomputation is necessary
By implementing it in ActionComponent, you can determine whether to perform recomputation when using it with a Compute node.
IInputDataPortBase Input data port basic interface
IInputDataPort Input data port interface
IOutputDataPort Output data port basic interface
IProgressComponent Interface for displaying progress bar on NodeComponent
IEvaluator Evaluation interface
IInputPort Interface that defines the input port
IOutputPort Interface that defines the output port
IPauseReceiver Interface to receive graph pauses
IUpdateReceiver Interface that receives update calls
IEasingFunction Interface that defines easing functions
IValueContainer Interface that defines a container for values
IValueContainer<T> Generic type interface that defines a container for values
IValueGetter Interface that defines the types whose values can be retrieved
IValueGetter<T> Generic type interface that defines types whose values can be retrieved
IValueSetter Interface that defines a type whose value can be set
IValueSetter<T> Generic type interface that defines a settable type
IValueTryGetter Interface that defines the type whose value is attempted to be retrieved
IValueTrySetter Interface that defines the type that attempts to set the value.
IListAccessor Interface that defines list access