Logic Behavior

This is the main component of Logic Toolkit that can be added to GameObject. It has a built-in Logic Controller, which allows you to control behavior using a node graph.

How to add

Add to existing GameObject

  1. Select the GameObject you want to add in the Hierarchy window.
  2. Click the “Add Component” button in the Inspector window.
  3. Select Logic Toolkit > Logic Behavior from the menu.

Creating GameObject with Logic Behavior

  1. Click the “+” button in the Hierarchy window.
  2. Select Logic Toolkit > Logic Behavior from the menu.
  3. The GameObject will enter name input mode, so enter the name.
  4. Confirm with Enter key.

Created in the Logic Editor window

  1. Click the “+” button in the Logic Editor window.
  2. Select Logic Behavior from the menu.


Properties Description
Play On Awake Start playing when GameObject is Awake
Debug Graph Settings Graph debug settings
Max Loop Count
Maximum number of iterations to determine infinite loop
Enable Logging
Enable debug logging
Enable Break
Enable debug break
Edit button Open Logic Editor window