Task Graph Asset
This is an asset that contains a function graph Task Graph.
How to create
Project window
- Select the folder where you want to save the file.
- Click the “+” button in the Project window.
- Select Logic Toolkit > Functions > Task Graph Asset from the menu.
- Enter the name to enter name input mode.
- Confirm with
Enter key
Logic Editor window
- Click the “+” button in the Logic Editor window.
- Select Functions > Task Graph Asset from the menu.
- The save destination dialog will be displayed. Select the save destination folder, enter the file name, and save.
How to Use
- Open the graph you want to use, such as Logic Behavior, Logic Asset, or Function graph, in the [Logic Editor window] (/manual/windows/logiceditor.html).
- Select Create Node etc. from the right-click menu on the graph to open the node creation menu.
- Select Actions > Functions > Graph name you want to use etc.
(The position in the menu varies depending on the node you want to use)

Properties | Description |
Edit button | Open Logic Editor window |
- Objects in the scene cannot be directly referenced from the graph created with Task Graph Asset.