Type Name | Description |
HideInTypePopupAttribute | Hides types to which this attribute is applied from the type selection window. |
HideInVariableMenuAttribute | Hide types to which this attribute is applied from the Variable addition menu. |
HideTypeInVariableMenuAttribute | Applying this attribute to an assembly hides the specified type from the Add Variable menu. |
IgnoreGeneratorAttribute | Mark to exclude from script generation |
MemberIconAttribute | Display member icon on NodeComponent icon |
MenuKeywordsAttribute | Set keywords in the script selection menu. |
MenuNameAttribute | Set a name in the script selection menu. |
ScriptGeneratedAttribute | Mark as generated script |
TargetFieldNameAttribute | An attribute for binding the target field name to a type. |
ValueTypeAttribute | Restrict types that can be selected with SerializableType to types derived from the specified base type |
AllowedTypesAttribute | Set the types that are allowed to be used. |
DisallowedTypesAttribute | Set types that are not allowed to be used. |
FieldPlacementAttribute | Set the field placement. By applying this attribute to the NodeComponent field, you can specify the field placement. |
ConstantColorUsageAttribute | Attributes that configure constant configuration for Color Can be applied for fields in InputField<Color> . |
ConstantDelayedAttribute | Attribute that delays the finalization of constant changes. If this attribute is applied, constant changes will not be committed until the user presses the enter key or takes focus from the field. Can be applied to fields such as InputField<float> , InputField<int> , InputField<string> . |
ConstantGradientUsageAttribute | Attributes that configure constant configuration for Gradient Can be applied to fields in InputField<Gradient> . |
ConstantMinAttribute | Attributes that limit the minimum value, such as float or int. Can be applied to fields such as InputField<float> , InputField<int> . |
ConstantPropertyAttribute | The base type of an attribute that, when applied to a field in InputField<T>, sets the configuration of a field of constant values. |
ConstantRangeAttribute | Attributes that limit the range of numbers, such as float or int. Can be applied to fields such as InputField<float> , InputField<int> . |
ConstantTextAreaAttribute | An attribute that allows you to edit multi-line strings. Can be applied to fields in InputField<string> . |
FixedRecomputeModeAttribute | Attribute to fix recompute mode |
DefaultRecomputeModeAttribute | Attribute that sets the default recomputation mode |
DontUseComputeAttribute | Attributes prohibited from use on Compute nodes |
FieldOrderAttribute | Attribute that sets field order. By applying this attribute to the fields of NodeComponent, you can set the display order of the fields. |
FixedTitleNameAttribute | Attribute that fixes the title name. You can fix the node name by applying this attribute to Node. |
HideResultFieldAttribute | Attribute that hides the Result field that outputs the execution results of TaskComponent. Mainly used for processing that always completes successfully. |